Physical activity in families

We have developed three resources to help families plan physical activity together. They have been co-designed with children, parents and other advisors.

Some children and parents/carers are not active often. These resources tell them more about being active together and how to plan activities together so everyone can have fun. There is also a plan for you to download and complete.

Research tells us being active together is a partnership. Children, as well as parents/carers, can help plan what to do. Having a say is important in helping children and parents/ carers join in.

Our researchers, Kate, Rod and Kristen hope you find some fun ways to use the resources together.

Doing Physical Activity Together

This booklet advises families about the social, developmental, physical, mood and brain gains of being active together, and some ideas to try.

Doing Physical Activity Together  [PDF 2.8 MB]

Doing Physical Activity Together PDF booklet

Planning Physical Activity Together

Information to support families to make a plan for doing physical activity together.

Planning Physical Activity Together  [PDF 3.4 MB]

Planning Physical Activity Together PDF booklet

Your plan

Download a copy of this template and fill in your plan. You might like to put it on the fridge to remind you and keep you on track.

Your blank plan  [PDF 400 kB]

Physical Activity Together Blank Plan

What resources support regional children and parents to be active together?

Families living in rural and regional Australia sometimes wait months to see health workers. There are few resources to help families while they are waiting to be seen. Being active helps children who are neuro and developmentally diverse.

Information about the study

Check out this infographic about the co-design study.

Physical Activity Together infographic  [PDF 550 kB]

Physical Activity Together Infographic