
Our stakeholders play an important role in achieving the goals of the Three Rivers URDH. We welcome the opportunity to collaborate with individuals, organisations, researchers and business who share our vision of progressing the rural health agenda.

Consortium partners

Charles Sturt University leads, administers and operates the Three Rivers DRH consortium.

Our consortium partners create and support new ways to deliver training and engage in inter-professional learning opportunities and research.


The Australian Government Department of Health has supported the Three Rivers University Department of Rural Health through its Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training Program.

This support has been key to the establishment of our consortium.


We are part of, and collaborate with, a number of rural health organisations and networks.

We also work with local community organisations to implement activities that enhance rural health services for the community.

Advisory Board

We value the contribution of our Advisory Board who provide advice on strategic and operational delivery as well as monitoring achievements against our project deliverables.