
Charles Sturt University and its consortium partners acknowledge the financial support provided by the Australian Government Department of Health through its Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training (RHMT) Program.

Rural Health Multidisciplinary Training Program

Through the RHMT program, the Australian Government has invested in a network of Rural Clinical Schools (RCSs) and University Departments of Rural Health (UDRHs). It has also supported metropolitan dental schools to offer extended clinical placements in rural areas.

Program aims

The RHMT program is designed to encourage the recruitment and retention of rural and remote health professionals by:

  • Providing effective rural training experiences for health students
  • Developing an evidence base for the efficacy of rural training strategies in delivering rural health workforce outcomes
  • Supporting rural health professionals to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
  • Increasing the number of rural origin health and medical students
  • Investing into regional areas to maintain well supported academic networks, enhance training and provide better medical services to communities.

The RHMT program supports a network of rural clinical training sites across Australia. University staff living and working in regional, rural and remote areas deliver rural clinical training experiences to health students and encourage them to stay in these communities when they finish their training.