Study pathways

There are lots of ways to start your university journey. Three Rivers DRH and Charles Sturt University offer support to help students from diverse backgrounds complete a health degree. We value your life experience and your cultural and community links, as well as your academic ability.

Our student club, Rural Health Positive, is made up of health students from across Charles Sturt University. They’ve got some great advice for students considering a career in rural health.

Career information for schools

Our team can help secondary school careers advisers explain and promote a career path in rural health.

Getting into uni

Find out how Charles Sturt University's access programs can help you get into university.

Health professions we support

We offer support to students studying toward a health profession in many disciplines.

First Nations students

Watch our short film or download the Pathways into Health handbook to inspire you to study health.


Find out how we can help make uni less expensive and more achievable.

Our locations

We are based at Charles Sturt University in central and southern NSW and support more than 100 locations.