Student rural health club

Rural health clubs help health students learn more about rural lifestyle and rural practice. You will also get a chance to meet a great group of people, engage in positive rural experiences and develop a stronger appreciation of rural and Indigenous health issues.

Rural Health Positive (Rh+)

Rural Health Positive is a Charles Sturt University cross-campus student rural health club. We’re here to promote and advocate for rural health and rural health workforce issues to our students and our local community.

Rural Health Positive aims to unite undergraduate health professionals from all health disciplines to promote rural and remote practice opportunities.

We are unique to other rural health clubs, representing the full breadth of nursing, allied health and health science courses at Charles Sturt.

We aim to support rural health training and employment opportunities and foster vibrancy and diversity in the lifeblood of rural health through our emerging health practitioners.

Club objectives

  • Circulate, promote and advocate rural health issues
  • Support health students via scholarships and training programs (first aid, mental health, and cultural safety orientation)
  • Provide interdisciplinary networking opportunities
  • Engage with the rural community through two rural high school visits
  • Engage with the Indigenous community through a cultural event.

Benefits of joining

As a member of Rural Health Positive you'll have free access to:

  • Rural health and rural health workforce news and information
  • The QPR Suicide prevention training program
  • Rural immersion opportunities
  • Discounted tickets to unique interdisciplinary networking events.

How to join

Membership is free

Once you register your interest, you will receive an email with details to complete your registration.

Rural Health Positive registration

Rural Health Positive is affiliated with the National Rural Health Student Network (NRHSN) who represent the future of rural health in Australia.

The network has more than 9,000 members belonging to 28 university rural health clubs from all states and territories.