Karen Paxton
Karen Paxton

DipAppSci(Nurs), RN, RM, DipCE, CertIV A&WT, BHSc(Nurs)
PositionResearch Administration Officer
LocationBuilding 903, room 125
Phone/Fax02 6933 2065
Karen has over 15 years of experience in supporting rural research. Previously at the School of Rural Health, her primary role was supporting the development and implementation of research projects and supporting medical student research both in clinical and community settings.
She also worked as a project development manager and gained expertise in preparing ethics applications, research management, funding applications, managing project budgets and data collection and design of online questionnaires.
Karen has managed the pilot studies and implementation and data collection of an NHMRC funded rural longitudinal adolescent cohort study (ARCHER Study) in central western NSW.
Before focusing on research, Karen also worked as a registered nurse, midwife, childbirth educator and clinical nurse educator.